
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

His sweet gifts of love even on a rough day

Today was one of the hardest days for me so far, mainly because culture shock is starting to hit me and my body started to react to just the mental and physical changes. I am quite a stubborn person and while I am loving this experience and not emotionally stressed at all, having my body physically react to the stress made me really frustrated today. I also got really homesick at one point because I just wanted to be in my own bed and let me tell you, being sick in a country where the language is not your first language is no fun at all. My Mexican mama was trying to ask me what was wrong, what she could do to help me feel better, and as much as I wanted to communicate with her I couldn't because I dont know those words, and I was so sick with nausea that I didn't want to talk in general. But tonight when I came home from school, she had prepared a special meal of chicken and rice soup for me. She is truly the sweetest.
While this was a hard day for me, I am overwhelmed in the many blessings the Lord gave me today:
-Multiple times different people from my team prayed over me, and when I couldn't come to my Spanish class my professor had the class pray for me at the beginning.
-On the last two legs of my metro ride home I was able to find a seat and rest. (Normally it is an hour and a half ride with people packed in everywhere, really hot and stuffy, and standing for the whole time. Didn't realize how exhausting it would be.)
-Tonight I went to take a nap after dinner and when I woke up there was this sweet, gentle rain starting outside. The sound of the rain hitting the tin roofs, the wind rustling the trees, the rumble of the thunder in the distance and the fresh smell of rehydrated earth is one of the saving graces for me of God's beautiful creation in nature amidst this packed and dirty city. In these smallest ways God is showing me that He has not forgotten about my love of nature and that he will demonstrate his love for me throughout the day if only I open my eyes, ears, and heart to his hand at work in this city :)


  1. Praying for you Lizzie!! I pray for your health and that you continue to be in awe of God's mighty hands! I also pray for people around you to open their heart and God reveal Himself to them using you. I love you Lizzie and I look forward to seeing more of your posts! <3 <3 <3

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I'm so glad to read your updates so far from Mexico and to see all you are experiencing and learning. You are in my prayers!

    Ashley from the LAM office in Miami
