
Monday, July 1, 2013

Prayer requests

I can hardly believe that I have been here for almost a month now. It doesn't seem like it has been that long. We have been really busy already with various activities with our Spanish classes, family and church and the next couple of weeks are just as packed. I ask that you pray for each of these upcoming events and that the Lord would be further glorified in each one.
-Today and tomorrow our entire team is going out into the countryside for a prayer retreat. I'm very excited and anxious to meet the Lord in a more quiet and tranquil environment than this city. And I'm excited to see more green and nature :)
-Thursday and Friday evenings our family goes on home visits to church members who are sick. I usually play a song or two, my roommate shares some scripture and an encouraging word, and our Papa, Mama and brothers pray over the person. Its amazing to be allowed to witness the Lord moving this way here.
-Friday is our graduation from our Spanish classes!
-Saturday our youth group from our church is taking around 25 people to a park about 2 hours away for an outreach and evangelism event. My brothers have invited two of their friends to come along who don't know the Lord personally so please be praying for these girls' hearts and that the Lord would already be working in them. Please also pray for the individuals that we will cross paths with at the park and that our youth group would be bold in sharing this glad news of the hope we have in Christ!
-Sunday I will be sharing my testimony at church. My family (2 brothers, sister, cousin, and roommate) and I will also be leading worship again this Sunday, which is quite different than in the States. Usually our set list is at least 9 songs and always open to whatever the congregation wants to sing as well. I am really being blessed and strengthened through this experience though :)
-Next week begins transforming the church for the Vacation Bible School. This year we have it open for free for the public so please be praying that lost children will wander in and this will be an opportunity to reach out to the neighborhood in which our church is located. Also please pray that everything would be provided from all the materials needed for decorating, to the money to pay for all of this. We have a small congregation, no more than 100 counting children and the economy is really bad here in Mexico so tithing has a different meaning here somewhat. People give what they can but we definitely are spending more time just praying for the Lord's provision for this VBS than I have ever seen in a church in the US. Very very humbling.  

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